Entry#7: Hashtag
Hello my fierce warriors, I am back again for some fun blogging. Today I want to talk about hashtags. I hate them because some people misuse them. I can see why others would use hashtags because they make sense and are used scarcely, but others irritate me because they use hashtags for everything and none of it makes sense. I have never personally used a hashtag, but all my friends and family choose to use them in their daily social media addictions. The only thing I personally know about hashtags, is that they are used to group certain categories or topics together. When someone uses #BlackLivesMatter, they are attempting to use their platform to bring about justice. They want to make this hashtag go viral in hopes that others will join their fight. I personally think hashtags are useless excuses for people to post on their social media sites in the hopes of gaining more followers. I have seen hashtags be misused so many times before. I have seen people say #FuckMyLife #LittlePeopleProblems #I'mSleepy, and other ridiculous hashtags people just made up in their bedroom.
I personally do not use hashtags because I am more of a physical person, rather than an internet person. For example, if I wanted to bring about justice to the #BlackLivesMatter rants, I would participate in protests, rallies, and sign petitions because it is a more intimate help to justice. I don't like the idea of bringing about justice behind a computer screen. The most commonly used hashtag I see is #FreeMyNigga, First off, I hate the N word and its use in any form of human communication because it is used out of context and does not follow the actual dictionary version of the word, but that is a separate conversation that needs to be had. This hashtag is used by people to attempt to make others feel bad for who ever the person is that is behind bars. People use this hashtag for any friend, family member, doctor, lawyer, and etc that they believe has been put in prison/jail wrongfully. The one problem I have with this hashtag is that most of the people that are locked up did something illegal to be put in jail/prison.
For Example, my friend posted this hashtag one day for her cousin that was sent to prison for nine years, and I asked her what her cousin did or "did not do" to be put in prison. She proceeded to tell me her cousin was found trying to cross the border with about 15 pounds of marijuana in his trunk. I then asked why he had 15 pounds of marijuana in his trunk in the first place, she told me he was a drug dealer. I have asked many people why they post that hashtag and they tell me roughly the same story, the person was doing something illegal and got caught.
So, this hashtag was very misleading. As I said before hashtags are used to make a difference or just simply to explain everyday life problems by grouping them into one hashtag. Those who use them do it more for followers and likes rather than caring about the actual issue at had. Basically hashtags are used for selfish reasons, but others see it as a way to bring an issue to the light. More people need to stop using hashtags and make a change in more physical terms rather than trying to make a change through the internet. Well, that is all I have for today guys, sorry if this post upsets anyone, but I had to get my opinion out there. Hope Everyone has a great day! Stay Beautiful!!!!
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