Entry#1: Learning About Blogs
Hello my fierce warriors, I am back again with some fun blogging. Just a few minutes ago, I stumbled across some blogs, I was reading these blogs to understand how the whole blogging thing works. I blogged for a little while prior to this one, but I am still not very good at it. I hate political blogs such as the HuffPost: www.huffingtonpost.com. I hate these types of blogs because quite frankly, I hate politics, never really been my type of thing. I don't care about what Donald Trump nor any of our ally countries are doing. They can do what they want to do while I mind my own business. I looked over the TMZ blog: www.tmz.com today as well. I quite liked the blog because I am a fan of celebrity gossip not sure why, but I have always been a fan. I love the idea that even though celebrities have all this money, they still have similar lives to us at the end of the day. The only difference between Beyonce and I, is that her dirty laundry gets aired on any and every media/social media platform that exists. I believe casual blogs are the best ones. They don't share to much personal experiences and they are not to dull and boring. Blogs can be very beneficial if used properly. If someone is having a bad day then they can choose to write their emotions or experiences down without the immediate fear of being criticized or judged. Unlike social media, there are quite a bit of people who will judge you on social media sites. I prefer blogs that help other's learn new things or give them hope that life is not so bad. If there is a foster kid or just a regular kid out there being beaten or mistreated, and they happen to come across a blog that will help them through their situation. Blogs help with people's sense of belonging/love. Bottom line about it, I only value blogs that make a difference or offer some celebrity gossip that makes me feel better about my privacy. Well that is it for today guys, hope everyone has a great day. Stay beautiful!
Hello! I have to agree that political blogs stink. I have no interest in finding out if and when we are are going to get bombed or what political scandal just came out in the open. As for celeb blogs, I try to stay away from them as much as possible. Although, I do find some of the celebrity gossip hilarious. If my biggest issue was that I lost my diamond earring, life would be good. It must be nice living the life of the rich and famous.
ReplyDeleteI honestly agree on your blog i have political blogs i dont know they bore me but that just me aha