Entry#5: Local Story Respond
Hello my fierce warriors, I am back again with some fun blogging. My teacher had us read an article, written in 2016 by the governor of Arizona, about why Arizona needs more college graduates. This article bored me half to death. As kids we hear this same thing all the time, we are told having a college degree will get you very far in life. In high school all the teachers told you that once we graduated we needed to go straight to a four year university and make something of ourselves. That is easy for them to stay, what about those who cannot afford to go to college because they can't afford it and they can't get any financial aid. As a student, I want people to understand that it is not always an option to go straight to college after graduating high school. I took a year and half off of school after graduating high school because I was going through some very severe health issues at the time. Anyway, back to the article, The governor of Arizona wanted to inform us that less than half of Arizona's working adults have training or degrees beyond high school. Then he goes on to tell us that the unemployment rate is double the rate for those with a bachelor's degree. The goal is to have 60% of working aged adults have a degree by 2030. I think this goal is reachable if the proper steps are taken to efficiently implement rules to make this happen. The governor needs to put more money into education and schools. He needs to try and find ways to support those who may not be able to get into college after high school. He also needs to understand that sometimes a break from school is necessary for students. When the proper steps are put into place to implement this goal, I hope all the teenagers who might not have a chance to go to school will get the proper chance to live their version of the american dream and get a degree for the job they have dreamed of having their whole life because they deserve happiness. With this goal is expected that taxes will rise, higher wages will be given, there will be less poverty, and more jobs will open up. With this goal Arizona and many other states will be saved. If anyone wants to read this article here is the link you can copy and paste, http://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2016/09/17/arizona-needs-more-college-grads-ducey/90363958/
Well that is my time for today. Hope everyone has a great day! Stay Beautiful!!!
Well that is my time for today. Hope everyone has a great day! Stay Beautiful!!!

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