Entry#3: Slant Reporting Quest

Hello my fierce warriors, I am back again with some fun blogging. I have been doing my research on the topic of slant reports. I came across the article above, it talks about all the misconceptions and false information about the Trump campaign. Slants reports just remind me that no one can be trusted 100% with news that they write themselves. Even though people try to remain biased in writing, it is hard for the human mind to keep their own morals, values, and beliefs out of their mind. There is a certain moral code that should be followed for journalists and news reporters, they should always tell the truth in their reports because they would want true news not fake news. Although, they know it is not okay to lie to the world they still do it. The reason why slant reports are sent out into the public is for fame and money. This article makes me think of all the lies I was told as a child because my family wanted to "protect me" from something I knew nothing about. Instead of telling me the truth they told me their version of the truth. This article has a very serious and biased tone. The rhetoric in this article is used to make the audience believe what the author is saying. This article will make the audience question everything they have believed, they might want to get to the source of the information. I just wish that journalists or news reporter's told the truth sometimes because it would help them better understand the world around them, they could live in this world without having to worry about if the information sent out is actually true. The world would be somewhat of a better and more informed population. We would actually be able to believe that the information we are receiving is following a certain standard. All I want you fierce warriors to understand is that if you have not seen something with your own eyes do not believe what someone else told you because it could be a lie. I am not saying blame journalists and news reporters for their misdeed, but I ask you to have sympathy because they are only lying to you because they genuinely believe what they are telling you is important. To all you out their trying to become a writer of some sort, male sure you always tell the truth and avoid as much bias as you can. Well that is all I have for you guys today. Hope everyone has a great day! Stay Beautiful!!

Hello my fierce warriors, I am back again with some fun blogging. I have been doing my research on the topic of slant reports. I came across the article above, it talks about all the misconceptions and false information about the Trump campaign. Slants reports just remind me that no one can be trusted 100% with news that they write themselves. Even though people try to remain biased in writing, it is hard for the human mind to keep their own morals, values, and beliefs out of their mind. There is a certain moral code that should be followed for journalists and news reporters, they should always tell the truth in their reports because they would want true news not fake news. Although, they know it is not okay to lie to the world they still do it. The reason why slant reports are sent out into the public is for fame and money. This article makes me think of all the lies I was told as a child because my family wanted to "protect me" from something I knew nothing about. Instead of telling me the truth they told me their version of the truth. This article has a very serious and biased tone. The rhetoric in this article is used to make the audience believe what the author is saying. This article will make the audience question everything they have believed, they might want to get to the source of the information. I just wish that journalists or news reporter's told the truth sometimes because it would help them better understand the world around them, they could live in this world without having to worry about if the information sent out is actually true. The world would be somewhat of a better and more informed population. We would actually be able to believe that the information we are receiving is following a certain standard. All I want you fierce warriors to understand is that if you have not seen something with your own eyes do not believe what someone else told you because it could be a lie. I am not saying blame journalists and news reporters for their misdeed, but I ask you to have sympathy because they are only lying to you because they genuinely believe what they are telling you is important. To all you out their trying to become a writer of some sort, male sure you always tell the truth and avoid as much bias as you can. Well that is all I have for you guys today. Hope everyone has a great day! Stay Beautiful!!
I loved how you turned this topic into a slightly teachable moment. It is true that you shouldn't trust everything you see online especially nowadays. Almost everything seems opinionated and slightly biased so we should hold true to seeing is believing when possible.